TACL Submission Process (2024)

This is a note from my experience in 2024. Please check the latest information from the official TACL website.

The TACL submission process is a bit complex compared to recent conference submissions on OpenReview, but the editors (and editor assistants) are very helpful and responsive.


  • We received the initial decision (B-decision) within two months after the initial submission
  • The revision process is very responsive and quick. I received responses in about one week for each revision (B-Decision revision and final submission).

Initial Submission


B-decision Revision

Final Submission

Conference Presentation

  • We can present TACL papers in the ACL conferences (optional).
  • Each conference has its deadline for the A-decision and final version submission. TACL does not guarantee the decisions before the conference deadlines.
  • After the final submission, editorial assistants will send you emails about the conference presentation after the conference deadlines.
Ryo Kamoi
Ryo Kamoi

PhD student at Penn State University (2023-), MS at UT Austin, BE at Keio University. My research interests are in building trustworthy natural language processing systems.